KartikPrabhu, [scojjac], [tw2113_Slack_], iwaim_, lahacker, hendursa1, tomlarkworthy and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
#ZegnatI am not sure the mf2 parsing spec defines an expected outcome of mf2 inside svgs embedded in HTML. But I would not be surprised if some parsers support it
[arush] joined the channel
#[KevinMarks]In general svg elements can have classes too, so p- and e- should work but u- properties might need attention and not sure about dt-
#ZegnatIt is more that I think HTML5 spec does not define how elements within <svg> are parsed. So there is no guarantee they are even part of the domtree that mf2 is looking at
#sknebelSVG and MathML elements do get some consideration in the HTML5 parsing rules
[tantek], [asuh], [scojjac], Phae, [KevinMarks], [manton], hendursa1, tomlarkworthy, [fluffy], lahacker, [email096], [chrisaldrich], [aciccarello], KartikPrabhu, PauloPinto, [tw2113_Slack_], [schmarty] and [jeremycherfas] joined the channel
#tantekedited /RelMeAuth (+256) "/* detailed algorithm */ check for IndieAuth before performing rel-me discovery (because no one implemented checking a user's own site for OAuth, also OAuth lacked sufficient discovery mechanisms to implement that), explicit should reject silo profiles, may accept 1-2 for testing/demo purposes" (view diff)
#[tantek]aaronpk ^ switched RelMeAuth to require IndieAuth discovery on personal sites rather than "OAuth discovery" which was never well defined (at all?) on its own anyway
#[tantek]dropped something that was not implemented (not implementable) in preference for something that *is* implemented
#aaronpkOAuth discovery was finally published in 2018, but as far as i have seen is mainly only implemented in enterprise use cases, not even consumer APIs like GitHub https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc8414
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#[tantek]yeah, not for actual open interop, like actual open discovery
#btremBut then, I'm hard-pressed to think of a reason for using anything other than the `<time>` element for a dt property.
#btremI'm also hard pressed to think of a way to use MathML in microformats. Nothing comes to mind at the moment.
#btremI'd think it would mostly be `<svg><text/>`. I'm using `<text>` for a `p-name` and `<svg>` for the logo. It's conceivable that someone might want to use `<svg>` for a photo property. The solution that jumps to my mind is `e-photo` instead of `u-photo` (which is what I did for the logo, using `e-logo`instead of `u-logo`).