@kalanKDavis↩️ It has been a lifetime since i've cataloged microformats and govdocs, but i learned during an all-staff meeting yesterday that the words "CIS microfiche" still send agues of fear and despair through my body. (twitter.com/_/status/1393181371116392451)
hendursaga, TallTed, [aciccarello], gRegorLove, gRegorLove_, [KevinMarks], wes, [schmarty], [girrodocus], [snarfed] and [dianoetic_net] joined the channel
[KevinMarks]It kind of stood for html originally in mf1, as we were mapping other formats into html, so vcard to hcard, icalendar to hcalendar Atom to hAtom
[fluffy]Question about h-feed/h-entry: is there any provision for a GUID-type identifier for items to prevent duplication if an item’s URL needs to change? That’s the one thing that I feel like RSS and Atom still do better than h-feed, and for me it’s a pretty big one.
[fluffy]Yeah I was about to ask… but I mean, it exists, so when/if I ever get around to writing my own feed reader I’ll definitely want to use that as an item identifier if it’s available.