#microformats 2021-05-15

2021-05-15 UTC
[jacky] and [tantek] joined the channel
The GUID thing that is supposedly "one thing that I feel like RSS and Atom still do better than h-feed" I've literally NEVER seen actually work in practice (with RSS/Atom feeds).
and by work, I mean, someone actually comes up with a workable maintainable GUID scheme for their posts, then changes domains/permalinks, and their GUID system keeps working
As you say [fluffy], feeds that bother with GUID typically re-use a permalink URL, maybe without optional slugs (so permalink slugs can be edited without altering the GUID)
[fluffy] joined the channel
I’ve changed post categories on my site many times and the GUID follows the post and people don’t get re-notified of a new post, so
even when the post URL changes
post categories?
yeah like moving from /blog to /articles or whatever
do you put your categories into your permalinks?
permalinks will also chase redirects too
ah got it. in that case, well done! [fluffy] ++
but like also the title slug is part of it so fixing a typo means changing the URL too
that's what I meant about the slug above
anyway my point is that Publ very specifically generates a GUID that sticks to the entry regardless of how the permalink changes
I've considered at some point generating GUIDs that only use my slugless permalinks for this reason.
though this is more of a #indieweb-dev chat
but the GUID never appears in the URL, and there isn’t even any publicly-visible way to query an entry URL from a GUID (although I’ll want to add that at some point, probably when I implement native activitypub, so it just hasn’t been a priority)
the mf2 question, p-* properties should work on (nearly) any element and "do the right thing" for that element
for simple "property/value" handling
Yeah, maybe the docs should be updated to indicate that it should be u-uri if the GUID is a URI and p-uri if it’s an opaque string
u-* tells the parser to do URL specific handling, preferring URL specific attributes, and doing relative URL resolution
er, u-uid and p-uid
I do know that u- and p- are the data type and then the name is actually ‘uid’ but my brain always has trouble connecting those two facts when I implement something 🙂
it hasn't so far because we haven't had any actual working examples of opaque string GUIDs
no, not data type
that's part of the confusion here
well we do now 😉
the prefixes are parsing instructions
right, so next step #indieweb-dev, and adding examples to indieweb.org/uid
[snarfed], [tw2113_Slack_], tomlarkworthy, [chrisaldrich] and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
Do you use the guid as the etag too?
hendursaga, ivc, [fluffy], [dianoetic_net], sparseMatrix, [snarfed], barnabywalters, [KevinMarks], [chrisaldrich], Seirdy, [jacky], [girrodocus], [Ana_Rodrigues], gRegorLove and ColinWalker joined the channel
Was that question for me? No, I compute the etag from the content hash.
Or rather the full rendered page’s hash.
that makes sense, yes
content hashes can be cross-site guids if you're careful about relative URLs
Like I don’t want the page ID to change every time I fix a tpyo, and I also don’t want caching to completely break whenever a prev/next link or “12 hours ago” or whatever changes.
Basically, I only implement etags for the sole purpose of cache control.
And any further discussion of this is #indieweb-dev of course.
[schmarty] and jamietanna joined the channel
↩️ Well it worked with bridgy. Will have to look further as microformats and presenting it a bit confusing.
Seirdy, sparseMatrix, jeremycherfas, maxwelljoslyn, lahacker, [dmitshur], gRegorLove_, [dianoetic_net], barnabywalters, timculverhouse and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel