[tantek]The GUID thing that is supposedly "one thing that I feel like RSS and Atom still do better than h-feed" I've literally NEVER seen actually work in practice (with RSS/Atom feeds).
[tantek]and by work, I mean, someone actually comes up with a workable maintainable GUID scheme for their posts, then changes domains/permalinks, and their GUID system keeps working
[tantek]As you say [fluffy], feeds that bother with GUID typically re-use a permalink URL, maybe without optional slugs (so permalink slugs can be edited without altering the GUID)
[fluffy]but the GUID never appears in the URL, and there isn’t even any publicly-visible way to query an entry URL from a GUID (although I’ll want to add that at some point, probably when I implement native activitypub, so it just hasn’t been a priority)
[fluffy]I do know that u- and p- are the data type and then the name is actually ‘uid’ but my brain always has trouble connecting those two facts when I implement something 🙂
[fluffy]Like I don’t want the page ID to change every time I fix a tpyo, and I also don’t want caching to completely break whenever a prev/next link or “12 hours ago” or whatever changes.
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