[tantek], sparseMatrix, [chrisaldrich], mmarfil, gRegorLove, [jeremycherfas], gRegorLove_, hendursaga, [jgmac1106] and [Tim_Culverhous] joined the channel
[Tim_Culverhous]Question: has anyone ever implemented an "h-poll" type feature? Could function similarly to h-event (with p-rsvp) but with arbitrary return values ("p-poll-response")
[KevinMarks]interesting - a long time ago we had vote links which worked a bit like that, except with urls for the different options (this was pre webmention, when we had the technorati crawler to count them) http://microformats.org/wiki/vote-links
[Tim_Culverhous]Ah! Yeah the picking a url to like would then enforce the user to pick a valid option since (presumably) the webmention receiver would reject non-valid urls
sparseMatrix, barnabywalters, [tantek], gRegorLove, [Murray], lahacker, KartikPrabhu, [chee] and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
[chrisaldrich]You could reuse the RSVP responses for yes/no/maybe/interested and the only thing one might want beyond that is an "abstain" response in the more rigorous voting scenarios. Then the receiver could display them as votes which is essentially what RSVPs are: votes for attendance without creating something from new.
[chrisaldrich]This might also be worth adding an "abstain" or an "I received your invitation, but haven't decided yet or may not decide in the future" value to the pre-existing ones to cover both RSVPs and voting without sub-casing everything.
[chrisaldrich]you could use maybe that way, but again that intent may not translate across languages/cultures. Maybe also usually implies one will vote one way or another unless it's being used with a small child in which case it translates to "no". 😉