[chee]hmm, i'm wanting to post an album (of songs). I'm thinking I should publish each track as individual audio posts, and then post a collection with the album cover as `u-featured`
barnabywaltersI suppose right now, an h-feed for the album and individual h-entries for each track would be the best way to capture order and individual track information
[chee]oh, i haven't looked at h-feed. i've been looking at this: https://indieweb.org/collection which notes a the order of items matters in a collection. though it also mentions there is no agreed upon markup for a collection
[chee]so maybe i do that same idea, but i use h-feed as the markup for a collection? a feed seems strange semantically because it will never change, (an album is a static collection, and a feed feels like a dynamic collection) but maybe that doesn't matter
barnabywaltersyeah, another approach would be to have an h-entry for the album, as it’s a piece of content published at a particular time, and then embed each track as another h-entry within it, in lieu of a better mf2 representation of an audio track
barnabywaltersa mf2 vocab for information about an audio track might be a good place to re-open research efforts. it looks like there was a classic mf vocab for albums and tracks
[chee]yeah, I think h-entry containing h-entries that link to the individual track posts (u-audio) feels right. the album is a Thing that people can Like, as are the individual tracks
barnabywalterseither with the track h-entries as plain children, or as u-audio h-entry properties to make it clear that they’re part of an audio representation of the album h-entry
[chee]nice, i've added syndication links for each track to the track on SoundCloud, and from the album page to the playlist on SoundCloud. and it's parsed as an `h-entry` with `h-entry` children who each have an `audio` and it feels right