[tantek]to emphasize, GWG, I would like to see h-event and h-feed advance as well. my question to you is, besides the frustration that "someone else hasn't done the work", have you looked into what is needed to advance them, and if so, where did you personally get stuck?
tantekedited /h-entry (+49) "editorial: fragments for status and participate, dedup IRC line, note explicitly in participate that change control can be used to advance the spec (already implied from Status section)" (view diff)
[tantek]GWG, right, closest is https://microformats.org/wiki/h-event#participate and that only tells you how to file issue and participate. Looks like I never updated h-event to use the change control because we have an explicit issue open on that!
[tantek]GWG, I remember reading your comment before and thinking it sounded reasonable — if we thought the change control process was/is working for h-entry
[tantek]so that begs that question, do you think the change control process is working for h-entry? or are things similarly or differently "stuck" there?
[tantek]GWG, so really we should push through figuring out h-entry issues, and noting where the process is ambiguous or otherwise unclear, before generalizing it to h-event