[tw2113_Slack_]call me cynical, but i feel like schema was Google thinking microformats were a good idea conceptually, but wanted more control over implementation, so they just made their own standard and strong armed the internet
[chrisaldrich], [snarfed] and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
[KevinMarks]It was a bit more complicated than that, as they had a few other attempts inbetween. They had some people there who were a bit dogmatic about RDF so that informed one aspect of it, and then they went for inheritance over composition, which informed another part of it.
[tantek]tw2113 you're not wrong. they wanted more control and to put a ton of new vocabularies out there (though ignored their own previous internal prior efforts)
calebjasik, BinyaminGreen[m], KartikPrabhu, ben_thatmustbeme and hendursaga joined the channel