#microformats 2021-06-30

2021-06-30 UTC
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
Seeing Google as a single entity rather than an endless squabble over resources is also a mistake
Seirdy, ur5us and [jacky] joined the channel
but one pitched by the entity itself
KartikPrabhu and [tantek] joined the channel
KevinMarks, nothing about what tw2113 said presumes single entity
I mean, multiple entities inside Google "made their own standard and strong armed the internet"
AMP, Schema, data-vocabulary, etc.
Seirdy and [jacky] joined the channel
and as far as people looking outwards in, it _is_ one entity (all either prefixed or stamped by one)
↩️ Yeah, definitely. On the web I think microformats served this niche and dovetailed nicely with HTML5. My former colleague @t was heavily involved in that scene. This about page spells it out pretty nicely: http://microformats.org/wiki/about
hendursa1 and [jacky] joined the channel
ah, before the islands it was in microdata and such? I thought schema had only come up afterwards
[KevinMarks] and [Murray] joined the channel
↩️ The clarity of the idea — that the semantic web is a soup of subgraphs where both nodes and links in the graph are identified by URIs — was obscured by syntax, embedding, microformats, OWL, …
barnaby, ben_thatmustbeme and [tantek] joined the channel
sknebel, right, before JSONLD islands it was microdata and before that an ill-fated attempt at being "neutral" by supporting RDFa with a new made-up domain (data-vocabulary) which predated schema .org as well.
(that domain is dead now btw)
perhaps the idea of semantic web itself was inherently obscure regardless of syntax, formats etc.?
[schmarty] joined the channel
the "clarity" of an idea where something is a "soup" feels dissonant to me 😅
[manton] joined the channel
↩️ not sure if you ran into it yet but i think a lot of the folks that stuck around are all hanging out doing work with ActivityPub (unless you are looking for hard ontological rdf microformats folks who seem to all be at google)
[tw2113_Slack_], [aciccarello], [chrisaldrich], jamietanna, maxwelljoslyn, [schmarty], barnaby, [jacky], ur5us, calebjasik, BinyaminGreen[m] and [Murray] joined the channel