#microformats 2021-09-01

2021-09-01 UTC
ur5us and hendursaga joined the channel
If you have bulleted items under a p-experience h-event in an h-resume what should each be marked up as? There's p-skill, and I think jamietanna was using p-achievement
nothing. no consuming use-case, no markup
and definitely don't make-up unprefixed properties like that, they're likely to be ignored
I'll keep fiddling.
do the minimum markup necessary per the spec
KartikPrabhu and angelo joined the channel
↩️ I remember us talking about these many years ago....along with microformats! haha. The native support was what they needed!
what is native support?
Seirdy and ur5us joined the channel
In that case for qr codes
[Rose] joined the channel
what? no not really