#microformats 2021-09-02

2021-09-02 UTC
ur5us, j12t, nsmsn, hendursa1, charukiewicz, JSharp and hendursaga joined the channel
Ya. iPhone didn't have camera app support for qr codes until recently (last couple years) and many US androids still do not have any qr support in camera app
gonna need to change rapidly since we're finally starting to use them lol
[grantcodes] joined the channel
Firefox has built in qr scanning support on Android now
neat! It would never occur to me to use a browser to scan a qrcode
I noticed it a while ago. Not sure when it was added
QR codes are not #microformats though, happy to chat more about them in #indieweb-chat
kimberlyhirsh[d], ur5us and [timothy_chambe] joined the channel