#microformats 2021-09-12

2021-09-12 UTC
New upload: libhtml-microformats-perl 0.105-6 by Jonas Smedegaard into unstable... http://deb.li/3Y6UA
hendursaga and hendursa1 joined the channel
Sr. react/js Developer Required Skills: w3c, w3c standards, web standards, front-end development, microformats. Timing Note:Normal |Working Days:5 Days (Mon to Fri) Job Description: Responsibilities Build reusable code and libraries for future use in R… https://www.freshershome.com/jobs/detail/i-t-software/198097
Zegnat[d], hendursaga, [jeremycherfas], [schmarty] and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
↩️ ¿Han oído ustedes hablar de los microformatos? http://microformats.org/wiki/adr
XOXO 1.0: EN SERIO ESTO EXISTE Extensible Open XHTML Outlines XOXO stands for eXtensible Open XHTML Outlines, and is pronounced variously as 'ecks oh ecks oh', 'zho-zho', or 'sho-sho'. http://microformats.org/wiki/xoxo
westie[d] and sebbu joined the channel
That is an unfortunate name in Spanish
wackycity[d], ur5us and Seirdy joined the channel