2021-10-13 UTC
aranjedeath, ur5us, angelo, [jacky]1, [Justin_Walsh]1, [fluffy]1, hendursaga, [Ed_Beck]1, sebbu, hendursa1, JSharp, milkii and yolk joined the channel
# 09:30 capjamesg[d] GWG I just saw a year old issue on the h-feed two about moving the h-feed spec to stable.
# 09:30 capjamesg[d] I’d love to discuss this more. Maybe this is a topic for a pop up if not already discussed in a recent pop up?
hala-bala[m], diegov, mambang[m] and [Justin_Walsh] joined the channel
# 12:13 GWG capjamesg[d]: We cancelled that pop-up
gRegor, [schmarty] and hendursaga joined the channel
# 15:19 [tantek] capjamesg[d] yeah I think there's a bunch more work necessary on h-feed to get it to stable.
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
# 15:33 GWG [tantek]: Is there an advantage to stabilization in your experience?
# 15:36 GWG capjamesg[d]: So am I and I've been embedded for a while now
# 15:48 [tantek] GWG, as an implementer, do feel any differences between draft and stable?
# 15:49 GWG [tantek]: Other than outstanding issues, no
# 15:50 [tantek] There’s a pretty big difference in process / change control
[schmarty] joined the channel
gRegor and gRegorLove_ joined the channel
# 16:43 capjamesg[d] And some issues are quite critical like answering whether h-feeds can contain markup like h-event.
# 16:44 [tantek] capjamesg compare the headers of h-card vs h-event for example
# 16:45 [tantek] KartikPrabhu I should update the /process page to note the more detailed change control process in stable specifications
# 16:46 gRegor That stage-to-stage page could probably use some review. Still mentions the mailing list for example.
# 16:47 gRegor h-feeds definitely can have child h-* since the parsers will work with it by default, but yeah formalizing it in the spec will guide publishers and consumers better
# 16:49 capjamesg[d] Feeds of events, h-cards, products, etc. all make sense in the real world.
# 16:50 capjamesg[d] Example: list of events one plans to attend, an open contacts list / “following” list, a feed of products one is offering.
# 16:51 capjamesg[d] So I think it is logical to support such behavior and document it in the spec.
# 16:52 capjamesg[d] I am building a search engine and clarity on this in the spec would be useful.
# 16:52 capjamesg[d] I don’t currently do anything with feeds of events etc. but I can see imminent use cases for such implementations.
# 16:53 KartikPrabhu specializing h-feeds on what they contain does not seem like a good idea
# 16:53 capjamesg[d] So the aforementioned use case is not necessary. But this means I implicitly support feeds of anything.
# 16:54 gRegor Yeah, I think handling h-event alone would be a good starting point, whether it's in a feed or not
# 16:54 KartikPrabhu not sure. I was simply thinking of the fact that mf2 parsing does not special case any sub-object of h-feed
# 16:54 gRegor Using h-feed as an indicator to recrawl the URL more often is a cool idea, though
# 16:55 capjamesg[d] Yeah. It is super helpful. I do the same with RSS, Atom, and WebSub too.
# 17:38 [tantek] capjamesg[d], can you file an issue for anything you need "clarity on this in the spec" for now? I have trouble following / keeping track of issues in chat when I'm not actively editing the particular spec 🙂
# 17:57 capjamesg[d] I think the issues in the spec cover everything for now. I’ll actively add issues when I have them to add.
[Ana_Rodrigues], [chrisaldrich] and hans1963[d] joined the channel
# 18:48 [tantek] also comment on existing GH issues if you have further questions on them or suggestions / preferences for how you'd like to see them resolved!
aranjedeath, jamietanna and ur5us joined the channel
gRegor, Seirdy and [snarfed] joined the channel