#microformats 2021-10-14

2021-10-14 UTC
[fluffy], [tantek], [Ed_Beck], gRegor, ur5us, hendursa1, Potato, [aciccarello], aranjedeath, hendursaga, strugee, hala-bala[m], diegov, mambang[m], KartikPrabhu and [schmarty] joined the channel
↩️ Well, http://GMPG.org defined the xfn microformats, which are part of the semantic Web that Tim was talking about, so they define the metaverse and are part of the web.
kimberlyhirsh[d] joined the channel
Lol oh boy
[schmarty] and mambang joined the channel
I'm teasing him a bit, as it is a daft question
Anyone who wants to build the metaverse has to ask Tantek and Matt's permission, and pay them for permits, its in the book.
And Eric Meyer 😂
“When Hiro goes into the Metaverse and looks down the Street and sees buildings and electric signs stretching off into the darkness, disappearing over the curve of the globe, he is actually staring at the graphic representations-the user interfaces-of a myriad different pieces of software that have been engineered by major corporations. In order to place these things on the Street, they have had to get approval from the Global
Multimedia Protocol Group, have had to buy frontage on the Street, get zoning approval, obtain permits, bribe inspectors, the whole bit. The money these corporations pay to build things on the Street all goes into a trust fund owned and operated by the GMPG, which pays for developing and expanding the machinery that enables the Street to exist.”
well this is clear as mud https://gmpg.org/ "The GMPG can be explained as an experiment in Metamemetics."
[schmarty], Seirdy, ur5us and Darius_Dunlap[d] joined the channel
aaronpk, it's an art reference to OBEYGiant
specifically the phrase "can be explained as an experiment in": https://obeygiant.com/propaganda/manifesto/
and the construct "The first aim of ... is to ..."
and "Because people are not used to seeing ..."
[tw2113_Slack_] joined the channel
also remember the historical context. It was 2003, long before it became cool to create alternatives to W3C. To do so was downright subversive. OBEY Giant philosophy/methodology was a source of inspiration (and printed on the tags attached to their clothing, which I'm pretty sure where I first read it)