#microformats 2022-01-10

2022-01-10 UTC
edgeduchess[d] joined the channel
↩️ It's like people don't even remember "the blogosphere", blogrolls, widgets, mashups, FOAF, RSS, microformats and all that jazz. There's a reason we call FB a "walled garden" and it's not just about instant articles in the app.
aspen[d], sarahd[d], Eddy04[d] and daiyi[d] joined the channel
Funny thing about https://twitter.com/ajjaskie/status/1480003904842702856 — "microformats" are actually in the Web 2.0 tag cloud. And for the rest, we can point to https://indieweb.org/Web_3.0#Web_3.0_as_Semantic_Web
[@ajjaskie] I thought Web 3.0 was supposed to be “the semantic web”. RDF, microformats, RSS feeds.
I might actually do that if someone doesn't beat me to it
maxwelljoslyn[d], gnoth[d] and Jeremiah[d] joined the channel
Protocols aren’t new - Web 2.0 had APIs, RSS, Microformats. Closed platforms won and these were slowly killed. Crypto has definitely extended it with incentives, tokens and more. But remember it’s early days still. I for one would hope this time around it’s different.
more retconning
RIZY101[d], jessealama, Christian_Olivie, maxwelljoslyn, capjamesg[d], [aciccarello], MarkJR84[d], Silicon[d], maxwelljoslyn[d], Myst[d], daiyi[d], KartikPrabhu, angelo, sebbu, aranjedeath, darkkirb, [James_Van_Dyne], GWG, [schmarty]1, [tantek], [snarfed], [jacky], saptaks, [tw2113_Slack_], rektide, klez, [KevinMarks], JSharp, corenominal[d], grantcodes[d], sayanarijit[d], Guest6 and Ramon[d] joined the channel
↩️ It would be interesting to have fonts respond to microformats such as HTML <time class="dt-published" datetime="2013-06-13 12:00:00"> /cc @svgeesus https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/microformats
jessealama, capjamesg[d], balupton[d], rattroupe[d], hoenir, shaunix[d], hans63us[d], edburns[d], tracydurnell[d], Jeremiah[d], Seb[d], wackycity[d] and Myst[d] joined the channel
↩️ Blog rolls. Tag clouds. Widgets. Rounded corners. Theming. Starbursts. Badges. Background textures. Remixing. Everything's beta. Comment sections. Iframes. Ajax. Linkbacks. Microformats. RSS feeds. FOAF. Podcasts. Webcasts. And all crypto bros remember is Facebook.
I'm hearing this to the Art of Noise track Dreaming Colour Green with the verse:
“Never before in human history have we had so much data to digest.
Never before have we had such an explosion of new media spawning, multiplying, frothing at the mouth.
They merge with existing information flows to create a cacophony of data.
Each radiating long data rich tendrils towards each of us.
Cell phones, faxes, voicemail, pagers, couriers, email, radio, catalogues, answering machines, floppy discs, magazines, multi section newspapers, cable TV, digital TV, boring TV, internet shopping, virtual travel, video on demand, memos, reports, executive overviews, briefings, press kits, strategies, outlines, backgrounds, newsletters, précis, abstracts, fax digests, summaries, statements, analyses. Spawning, multiplying,
frothing at the mouth.
It’s the end of the 20th century, no matter how much information we get, somehow it always seems as if something is missing.”
And yet paradoxically, never before have we felt so ill informed.
corenominal[d], aspen[d], Christian_Olivie, Silicon[d], sebbu and PK[d] joined the channel
yes it does, and a bunch of folks here (e.g. [jgmac1106]) have contributed to it! feel free to help expand/update it as well
marksuth[d] and RIZY101[d] joined the channel
Yes! I was thinking of doing just that!
But first I wanted to get some feedback on what could be improved.
One thing that came to mind was splitting the intro into an intro and a section about the benefits of using micro formats.
One thing that I think is missing but key is the HTML as an API idea.
I’d also love to add a h-review example to the doc.
Also, is rel=me a standard attribute?
rel=me is well established yeah for WebSignin and RelMeAuth
milkii joined the channel
Yes! I’ll submit a PR soon.
I am very excited about this 😁
[snarfed] and sarahd[d] joined the channel