#microformats 2022-01-11

2022-01-11 UTC
gnoth[d], darkkirb, KartikPrabhu, Seirdy, [fluffy] and jessealama joined the channel
[KevinMarks] I started reading Ann Blair's book _Too Much to Know_ just before the holidays and our sense of information overload didn't start in the digital era. https://yalebooks.yale.edu/book/9780300165395/too-much-know She's got a handful of journal articles on the historical topic of information overload as well.
She touches on ideas of note taking, indexing, and other taxonomy related things in history that likely underlay some historical ideas of microformats
that's a lot of pages to read...too many 😛 jk
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
Would anyone be willing to review some edits I am going to propose to the microformats MDN page?
MarkJR84[d], jessealama, [Zegnat] and angelo joined the channel
jessealama joined the channel
sknebel I have copied the revised text into this Gist: https://gist.github.com/capjamesg/f4c7edf3c4e510e353a4b974ff9c69b1
I made minor changes to the intro, added the rel attributes section, and made minor changes to the "How microformats work" section.
What do you think about adding a h-review too?
not the most important, but doesnt hurt I guess
will look at the text changes later
jessealama, [grantcodes] and sayanarijit[d] joined the channel
capjamesg[d] would be better to prioritize the microformats that have known consuming code/services/applications
I’d really like us to move away from “markup just for markup’s sake” which doesn’t really serve people
I’d also like to avoid reinforcing that “indexed by search engines” is enough or a priority (as compared to peer to peer usecases like webmention)
I agree. The search engine bits were already there. I might rearrange the intro a bit and add a specific list of use cases, with reference to webmentions and syndication as key use cases.
jessealama joined the channel
right, prefer peer-to-peer use-cases, and then only mention search engine indexing as a secondary use-case
capjamesg, minor nit, should we remove _(sometimes abbreviated μF)_ ? not a very understandable or accessible abbreviation, and we don't use it much any more afaik
yeah that parenthetical was a leftover from an older version of the wikipedia article, and never really substantiated
I agree. The sometimes abbreviated bit is not very intuitive / easy to read.
Feel free to make any other suggestions!
WikiProject Microformats
capjamesg[d], do you have any experience improving Wikipedia articles?
I don't, no 😦
ah, I'd recommend creating an account there and start making minor improvements because it's a good way to get practice
"I don't know about you, but I don't have a μ key on my keyboard." XD
the https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Microformat article could use both minor improvements and rewrites of out of date sections
for now, I'd say focus on minor improvements along the lines of what you’re doing in the MDN article.
also gRegor has some experience with editing that article that you may find useful as context/background
Yes! I'd love your thoughts gRegor!
[tantek] I made quite a few changes to the start of the article based on what we discussed earlier.
this is looking very good!
one nit so far, there's several places that say "could" where we have real world examples that work today so no need to conditionalize with "could"
e.g. "An aggregator could parse a page", could be replaced with "Modern reader aggregators parse" and link to
e.g. indieweb.org/social_reader
the heading "Some microformats examples" could be shortened to just "Examples" or if you want to keep some context, "Microformats examples"
that's it, I'd say fix those and it'd be a great update!
Why thank you!
I will replace the word "could" with appropriate real-world references.
Is it appropriate to link to the IndieWeb wiki inline in those cases?
I shall add a link to the webmention website, too.
start with perhaps naming the real world references.
closer to home, this makes me realize what we need is a total rewrite of https://microformats.org/wiki/implementations, moving much of it to historical / internet archive links
Oh no 😦
Well, it's an opportunity to document some of the newer innovations we have seen with microformats re: the IndieWeb 🙂
yes certainly!
zack1 joined the channel
edited /implementations (+830) "needs update for microformats2, focus on mf2 and user-centric or major implementations"
(view diff)
[tantek] need any help?
I can add tools like Monocle / Aperture, Quill, IndieWeb Search, etc. to that list.
Is it worth adding a Past Examples section? Maybe even as it’s own page as it looks like quite a few of those examples might be outdated / no longer relevant.
yeah definitely. it's going to take major work to fix/update that page though, without losing the stuff that still works
noted in page already
Oh yes. I don’t think I’m qualified to do the bit about past examples unless URLs are completely dead.
But I can add to the page 😉
the problem is "add to the page" doesn't work if there isn't a section you can trust with recent information
so it needs at least *some* restructuring before even adding to the page is helpful
I agree. I’ll see what I can do.
I might refactor it in a separate local doc and share via a Gist before making any direct changes.
KartikPrabhu and aspenmayer[d] joined the channel
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
Thanks for the opportunities. I love documentation.
angelo, [manton] and Seirdy joined the channel
Why thank you!
I’ll submit it in the next few days.
I am also going to add a page for the rel=me attribute but it will not be too long because those pages seem to be very short.
I’ll make those revisions!
jessealama joined the channel