[KevinMarks]Another thing you may want is a function to traverse the item tree to find something, because what you're looking for may be nested as a sub item
barnabyI mention that early on, but it might be worth talking about somewhere else. I also didn’t go into a lot of detail about mf structs nested in 'children'
barnabyyeah, and stuff which is mentioned explicitly in the various algorithms I link to doesn’t necessarily need to be covered in that article too, as people will pick it up there
[schmarty]1this has me thinking again about building micropub clients. in particular, about "rich" micropub clients that let you build out complex mf2 constructions, which is then converted into micropub post data by simply parsing the HTML you've created.
[schmarty]1like, i've been wondering what is a quick path to composable micropub client _bits_ (like managing tags, uploading and linking media, etc.) and until today i hadn't really thought about simply having those widgets push their own mf2 html together.