#microformats 2022-02-21

2022-02-21 UTC
angelo, KartikPrabhu, [tw2113_Slack_] and jacky joined the channel
Getting some uptake barnaby++
barnaby has 6 karma in this channel over the last year (20 in all channels)
Eddy04[d], ur5us, antrdnv[d], ancarda, KartikPrabhu, sebbu, Ramon[d], rMdes_, KartikPrabhu1, jacky, GWG, [schmarty], angelo, Seb[d], ben_thatmustbeme, [aciccarello] and barnaby joined the channel
[tantek]: yeah, good to see people are interested in the topic
ccx joined the channel
How dead are microformats? I can't find any single browser extension that works.
most microformats usage is on the server side these days, I’m not aware of any browser extensions which use the latest version (microformats 2)
I did a bit of extension development a few years ago and was considering making something involving mf2, but multi-browser extension development was a nightmare at the time
Well, that's less and less of a problem given the ongoing extinction of browser engines. :-/
What do you mean by server-side? How do I actually use that?
but afaik google still parses some classic microformats, and mf2 are used heavily in the indieweb community: https://indieweb.org/ and #indieweb (#indieweb-dev for development discussion)
ccx: it just so happens that I wrote an article about exactly that a couple of days ago :) https://waterpigs.co.uk/articles/consuming-microformats/
but did you have a particular use-case in mind?
[Barnaby Walters] How to Consume Microformats 2 Data
I've been looking at various sites right now listing events (spoiler: after digging through the sources I found no icalendar & no microformats) and was wondering if there's a way to get event notifications that doesn't involve selling one's soul to Facebook. Remembered this used to be a thing and that Operator occasionally popped up on sites back when I had it active.
While I'm a programmer, I still had a pause at "how to use guide" starting with "choose a parser library" :]
ccx: well that article is aimed at programmers who are already familiar with microformats and want to get started on consuming them, so I make some assumptions!
it links to the earlier one in the series, which explains how mf2 works from a publisher POV
so if you’re not familiar with mf2 then definitely start with that one!
there are a few services which consume h-event, but none which I’m aware of which act as a way of getting notifications https://indieweb.org/event#Consuming_Tools_And_Services
are you talking notifications that an event will happen (i.e. event discovery) or about updates to existing events (e.g. being notified about time/location changes)
The former mainly, though both are useful of course.
So the target audience is search engines and not website visitors now?
well if the events are being posted about in a machine-readable way (e.g. mf2, ATOM, activitystreams) then feed readers like https://aperture.p3k.io/ will be able to subscribe to them, and probably send notifications — aaronpk does aperture have any special handling for events?
but all of that functionality relies on events being machine-readable
the target audience of most mf2 usage is people publishing and reading personal sites. so, useful for end users, but usually via a feed reader or other app rather than parsing mf2 directly in the browser
but there’s nothing stopping people from doing so, and it could be useful! same with search engines. it’s just a matter of someone building tools for those specific cases
Yeah. I guess it's much more common to see ics feeds or individual files directly than h-event. And somewhat more common to get RSS/atom feed with new entries but without actually parseable metadata.
Same with RSS really, do browsers even show the feed icons still? I have feeling people mostly forgot about it existing.
Err, I've meant it's hard to tell one should parse the site for microformats. But the same difficulty applies to regular feeds.
Have a look at events.indieweb.org - that's an open source tools by [aaronpk] that generates microformats and ics. You could run an instance of that and write one off importers for the sites you follow
ccx: are there specific sites or services which publish events which you’re interested in?
I was just looking at local clubs really. Seems that writing a scrapper for those would be the only way. But I was mostly curious if I'm missing something.
if they’re small local sites, it might be worth trying to persuade the maintainers to add h-event support. if their site is well marked up already, it only takes 5 minutes
Yeah I can try that. Though it's probably some off the shelf CMS, so it would involve adding support there first.
if they’re using wordpress, there might already be a plugin which adds h-event markup — I see a lot of people publishing h-event on wordpress listed here https://indieweb.org/event
#indieweb-wordpress is the place to ask about that
One of them is using Wordpress it seems, thanks.
barnaby: There isn't specifically, but some are close.
ccx: ^^^ GWG is one of the resident wordpress experts ;)
But that's the only one with at least individual ical files it seems.
(Which is significantly more convenient for getting into EteSync anyway)
We had a community member who wanted to convince a developer of a popular event plugin to add h-event
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel