#microformats 2022-02-22

2022-02-22 UTC
Are microformats supposed to work if they are client-side generated / added to the DOM by JavaScript? That sounds kind of hard to consume without actual browser.
ccx: Not really. They are more for traditional HTML
Yeah. Right now I'm looking at mess of pure JS that doesn't even display anything without it. Despite all the relevant data being in the first page as <script> but that can only run after half a dozen of external ones load first. *sigh*
Looking at web makes me depressed. :-(
Uh, make that a full dozen minumum.
ur5us, jacky, P1000[d], KartikPrabhu, sebbu, marksuth[d], Lugom, m5zs7k, nicolas1, Eddy04[d], toby3d[d], barnaby, [tw2113_Slack_], Seirdy, [jeremycherfas] and gRegor joined the channel