[tantek]2capjamesg[d], however, the microformats wiki page for it needs some serious updating: https://microformats.org/wiki/rel-me (lots of stuff there needs to be moved to past / previously section or page)
[tantek]2the more important question is whether any browsers actually *do* anything special with rel=me, which AFAIK the answer is no (in contrast to say, rel=stylesheet obviously makes things happen in a browser)
[tantek]2capjamesg[d], this gets back to the general methodology approach of, FIRST make sure the microformats wiki pages on a subject are updated / valid, BEFORE creating a similar page / summary on MDN.
[tantek]2to be clear, I'm happy to work with you on updating https://microformats.org/wiki/rel-me which likely requires rescoping / rewriting it (as a more "spec-like" page), and moving at least some of the "how to" or examples etc. to https://indieweb.org/rel-me