@kevinmarks↩️ If they're going to Blainewash things then they should reinstate the open standards that they dropped, like feeds and xfn and microformats, as well as api access. Api 2 has rejected lots of interop projects. I'm not asking for xmpp. (twitter.com/_/status/1499172077647155201)
Darius_Dunlap[d], ur5us_, ur5us and jzeneto joined the channel
jzenetoInside the comment, are 2 divs. The first contains the author's photo. The second div contains a header (author's name and comment permalink) and a div which is the e-content
aaronpkmost of the time microformats doesn't require any particular HTML element structure, except that properties of a microformats object generally have to be contained within an HTML element
aaronpkthe one suggestion i can offer here, specifically because this is for authorship, is a pattern where the microformats within each comment are just the bare minimum url and refer to HTML elsewhere. it makes more sense if you look at an example:
jzenetoI see. That is good for post authorship, but since the comments are created on my site (via Staticman), it doesn't seem to make sense to point somewhere else
[tantek]2the way CSS grid works (without subgrid) is it forces a certain markup structure that doesn't really match the semantics of the content, that's the root of the problem.
aaronpkaha this might be why i haven't heard about it "Warning: This feature is shipped in Firefox 71, which is currently the only browser to implement subgrid."
jzenetoWhen I created my site, a year ago, I've read about subgrid a little, but didn't dig much, because of current lack of support (which seems, a year later, to not having changed much)
[schmarty]not related to microformats directly, but mentioned above. CSS can affect the accessibility tree in a page. when an element is set to `display: none`, it is removed from the accessibility tree.