#microformats 2022-05-18

2022-05-18 UTC
jacky, nixer, [tonz]1, [snarfed]1, IWSlackGateway2, Kaja, nixer1, gRegor and omz13 joined the channel
Here for #TDC22 (@ Newcastle Central Railway Station (NCL) - @nationalrailenq in Newcastle upon Tyne w/ @microformats) https://www.swarmapp.com/c/0ivBKFhsBn9
rektide joined the channel
#TDC22 Startup Competition (@ Tuspark in Newcastle upon Tyne w/ @microformats) https://www.swarmapp.com/c/1GsNv4GKTle
nixer, jacky and rektide joined the channel
capjamesg, [KevinMarks] is right. making it harder for publishers just to make it easier on yourself (for parsing/consuming) is usually the wrong decision. It has to be trivially easy for publishers to participate. One of the few reasons to put *any* extra work on the publisher at all is if they are making mistakes with expressing their intention, or if they are accidentally expressing themselves ambiguously.
another way to put it: what's the minimum amount of work that publishers can do to express themselves clearly/accurately and predictably? that's the only work we should ask of publishers, and no more, no matter how much more "convenient" additional requests might make it for consuming code / parsers
re: your coffee voting experiment, but sharing here because it is general principle that's worth keeping in mind (rather than proposing a bunch of new markup, which happens far too often)
jacky joined the channel
"Webmention with a hashtag" is a good balance IMO
gRegor, jacky and nixer joined the channel
<capjamesg> I am trying my best not to propose any markup. My mindset is use existing markup by default.
<capjamesg> That is a fair point re: parsing.
<capjamesg> Giving publishers more work doesn’t work at scale. There are more things that could go wrong.
<capjamesg> *when said work is not necessary
<capjamesg> Do you mean #1
<capjamesg> I can see that working.
<capjamesg> “I vote #2. I drink 1-2 cups per day but sometimes a bit more.”
<capjamesg> Then I could search for any # numeric values.
<capjamesg> I don’t suspect most people will use #1 etc outside of this context so I cannot envision any immediate conflicts.
<capjamesg> Simple, elegant, and clean.
<capjamesg> I like it.
Seirdy, ur5us, nixer and jacky joined the channel
h/t to Vika to finding this bug in the rust parser (that also seems to appear in the Ruby one) https://gitlab.com/maxburon/microformats-parser/-/issues/7#note_951502062
nixer and jacky joined the channel