#microformats 2022-08-01

2022-08-01 UTC
sebbu and maxwelljoslyn joined the channel
definitely a contentious topic with both valid and invalid arguments. I am not expecting a debate so I won't take this further. Just feels like a whipping horse at this time too
and as you put it, strawman
[marksuth], angelo, [Jacob_Hall], [schmarty], ur5us, [benatwork] and [jeremycherfas] joined the channel
↩️ @erin I promoted and gave a few talks on microformats. I like the powerful simplicity of them. I however a bit star… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1553727878155493376
cambridgeport90, jacky, [aciccarello], ur5us, [Murray], sivoais, gRegor, [manton], gRegorLove_, [chrisaldrich], IWSlackGateway, tommorris_, omz13-, IWDiscordGateway, [James_Van_Dyne] and sebbu joined the channel