#microformats 2022-09-11

2022-09-11 UTC
ur5us joined the channel
capjamesg, the gist looks pretty good. I did notice a typo near the end: "[Microformats on IndieWebCamp]("
ur5us, corlaez, jacky and [tonz] joined the channel
Any feedback on what to add / remove / change [tantek]?
jacky joined the channel
I wish there was a way to preview a diff but I suppose you have to actually open a PR for that
On GitHub?
angelo and jacky joined the channel
[tantek] I could move this to its own GitHub repo so everyone can contribute before we make a contribution to MDN.
aaronpk, jacky, [schmarty], axmed and zavr joined the channel; axmed left the channel
zavr, jacky, jamietanna, ur5us and [tw2113_Slack_] joined the channel; zavr left the channel