#microformats 2022-09-12

2022-09-12 UTC
angelo, [tonz]1, Jamietanna1, gRegor, jacky, [Jamie_Tanna], zack[m], Pyroxtheythem[m], pranav[m], ur5us, m5zs7k, [manton] and [Murray] joined the channel
edited /faq (+288) "/* Q. How does the use of class values for semantics interact with the use of class values for attaching CSS styles? */ update per experience, add link to not using the phrase "CSS class""
(view diff)
Hey zavr, how can we be of assistance?
capjamesg, that makes sense as a method of collaborating on an edit before submitting an official PR
or even unofficial :)
jacky, zack[m] and jacky__ joined the channel
I'm not sure why the diff has red text though.
Everyone, please feel free to make contributions to that document or comments / suggestions!
ur5us joined the channel
Breviter - бесплатная тема WordPress для блоггеров https://stylelib.org/away/?id=133033 #custombackground #customcolors #customheader #custommenu #designhooks #editorstyle #leftsidebar #microformats #postformats #stickypost #threadedcomments
capjamesg, look at the last line in particular, it looks like a link was errantly removed/broken
I think I fixed that.
Yeah, it looks like I broke it when copying the raw md.
jacky and gRegor joined the channel