#microformats 2022-09-16

2022-09-16 UTC
Just found some unexpected MediaWiki behavior. If a page uses the DisplayTitle extension, any links to that page will use that title by default. Makes for some weird results on pages like https://microformats.org/wiki/why-examples "The microformats [[process]]" results in "The microformats The microformats process", because /process has DisplayTitle=The microformats process
I was wondering why the text was confusing in parts, turns out that's why.
Not sure the best way to handle that
Maybe removing {{DISPLAYTITLE}} and redirecting pages to the desired title, like /process -> /the-microformats-process
jacky, Seirdy, angelo, gRegor and gRegorLove_ joined the channel; pranav[m] left the channel
ugh that awkwardness has bitten me several times
it's not quite doing the right thing
I want it to use the "entry-title" on pages, however I don't want it substituting the linktext on pages that link to it
ur5us joined the channel
↩️ dat was ook het punt: maak WP compliant met microformats2, en de classes v post kinds. Zodat themes en blocks er standaard mee uit de voeten kunnen. Als je dan webmention aan zet is ineens 40% van het web een open sociaal platform, buiten de silo's.
ur5us, gRegorLove_, angelo_, jacky, jacky__, [Will_Monroe], angelo, jeremycherfas, gRegor, ben_thatmustbeme, barnaby and [Jamie_Tanna] joined the channel