#microformats 2022-09-15

2022-09-15 UTC
ur5us, epoch, m5zs7k, ancarda, capjamesg, jacky, [schmarty], gRegor, [tonz], darth_mall and [jeremycherfas] joined the channel
edited /RelMeAuth (+149) "/* open source implementations */ +Go,Node, updated indieauth.com repo"
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[tw2113_Slack_] joined the channel
edited /RelMeAuth (+38) "/* PHP */ site themattharris.com appears to be dead"
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jacky joined the channel
oh no
ur5us and [jgarber] joined the channel
TLS certificate expired?
94 days ago.
yup. just pinged him, he's on it 🙂
I was about to say, I'm _pretty_ sure Matt's alright. 😄
[tantek]4, http://tantek.com/relmeauth/ is still up but I got "Was expecting a 200 and instead got a 0
" when I tried it. Guess it's old OAuth lib or Twitter changed something though.
ah I probably have some debugging to do based on something in the internal returning a different result than expected. yes likely due to some change. I think the OAuth lib should be fine. likely something with Twitter
jacky, [jgarber]1 and [schmarty]1 joined the channel