#microformats 2022-10-28

2022-10-28 UTC
jacky, ehmry, IWSlackGateway, [campegg], [tw2113_Slack_], jacky__, alekzandriia, gRegorLove_, gRegorLove__ and m5zs7k joined the channel
↩️ Bonus: WordPress already has solid plugins for activating this stuff, and default WP themes have microformats baked in
gRegorLove__, barnaby and gRegorLove_ joined the channel
↩️ Nah I just described HTML, hyperlinks, microformats/microschemas, and some API calls. ;D
gRegorLove__, [asuh], gRegorLove_, alekzandriia1, alekzandriia, jacky and gRegor joined the channel
↩️ I am laughing with glee, I was following ~semantic web~ stuff as a teenager and I'm delighted people are talking about microformats and FOAF etc. More helpfully: there used to be a "Mastodon Bridge" tool for finding people. I see https://github.com/diddledani/twitodon but haven't tried it.
jacky joined the channel
hah in Slack that use of ~ around "semantic web" shows it as crossed-out (strike-through) and a good example of why that's a *bad* part of Markdown since in reading the original tweet and here in chat archives, strike-through is not the intent of the author
Markdown has -1 karma over the last year
[jeremycherfas], jacky and ur5us joined the channel