#microformats 2022-10-29

2022-10-29 UTC
↩️ pour one out for all the work Tantek Celik did on microformats for embedding structured info in plain web pages...
did I miss something?
misses something too
gives Loqi something
ben_thatmustbeme joined the channel
roll up into that thread with no reply other than “👋”
ur5us joined the channel
New upload: rust-microformats 0.3.0-2 by Jonas Smedegaard into unstable... http://deb.li/kSnn
ur5us joined the channel
↩️ Markus Krötzsch @ma_kr and I pushed for Semantic Wikipedia since 2005. Semantic MediaWiki @SemanticMW was born from there, Freebase @fbase and DBpedia @dbpedia launched in 2007, microformats in Wikipedia became a grassroots thing. But not much at the @Wikimedia Foundation. 3/
↩️ That said, it has good microformats support, so you can follow a (public) mastodon account as an h-feed with a feed reader, and supports rel=me for distributed verification.
barnaby, gRegorLove_, S, gRegorLove__, [timothy_chambe], [tonz] and [pfefferle] joined the channel