#microformats 2022-11-06

2022-11-06 UTC
I love how FOAF Microformats survived this whole time.
ash[m], yolk, Loqi and ur5us joined the channel
Lol FOAF. Did that even make the LD transition?
barnaby, neceve_, [davidmead] and [davidmead]1 joined the channel
↩️ One other means that Mastodon supports (I just heard of yesterday) is "rel=me" links. Basically, mutual links that offer proof of some control by the same entity https://microformats.org/wiki/rel-me#:~:text=rel%3Dme%20is%20the%20standard,on%20a%203rd%20party%20site.&text=if%20such%20a%20rel%3Dme,and%20thus%20domain%20verification%20succeeds.
gRegor, ur5us, gRegorLove_, barnaby and [eddie] joined the channel