#microformats 2022-11-07

2022-11-07 UTC
barnaby, jacky and [dmitshur] joined the channel
↩️ well some just bet on better interopability among simple personal websites (as in your own domain): microformats 2, webmentions, etc
ur5us, [Jamie_Tanna], barnaby, [campegg], [campegg]1 and [Dinis_Correia] joined the channel
jacky joined the channel
edited /existing-rel-values (+40) "linked RFC6903 as defining spec for rel-about"
(view diff)
gRegor and [jeffpaul] joined the channel
Struggling to get started with Mastodon? Buy yourself a domain name, learn a bit of HTML and CSS and host your own site on a cheap VPS from somewhere. RSS feed, maybe a bit of microformats. You've got plenty of options.
[Sam_Butler], jacky, milkii, [jeffpaul], ur5us, [Zeina] and [jeffpaul]1 joined the channel