#microformats 2022-11-10

2022-11-10 UTC
jacky, gRegor, angelo, Chad, rektide, omz13, Zegnat, klez, sivoais, ur5us, Lunarequest[d], [Jamie_Tanna], cambridgeport90 and paulrobertlloyd joined the channel
↩️ I checked the tape and we didn't run our first break until after an HOUR of discussion. That's gotta be a record. Hell some of our shows on the network are one hour. We did a SEGMENT for an hour. Lol! It was a great segment IMO. rel = 'me' http://microformats.org/wiki/rel-tag
[jeremycherfas], cambridgeport90, barnaby, jacky, ur5us and [Sam_Butler] joined the channel
edited /rel-tag (+106) "float TOC, see rel-me"
(view diff)
hopefully that'll catch folks that inadvertently go to rel-tag looking for rel-me
[benatwork], jacky and [schmarty] joined the channel