#microformats 2022-11-11

2022-11-11 UTC
jacky, [tantek], [jgmac1106], jeremycherfas and gRegor joined the channel
lol someone found that page and used it as a citation to explain a joke 😂
sarahd[d], cambridgeport90, barnaby, Lunarequest[d], YimingWu[d], IWDiscordRelay, tracydurnell[d], Silicon[d], connorthemiller[, shaunix[d], Jeremiah[d] and gRegor joined the channel
↩️ Surely we can as an industry create a standard XML for contacts. Yes we have hCard and rel=me from microformats but we don’t have a standard interchangeable way to move social graphs because it’s not in the interest of social media companies to enable portability. #fail
So about ^
I'm curious now
what is a social graph
(loqi must be off today, 4 day work weeks >>)
no "what is" in #microformats
cambridgeport901, paulrobertlloyd and [jgarber] joined the channel
In that context “social graph” is an exaggeration what instead should be called an “address book”
social graph itself is just a rebranding of social network that sounds newer, more academic/technical
"social network" got coopted by facebook imo
specifically Zuck's talks at F8 (2008?) about "the social graph", then people couldn't stop mimicking him / his language.
I dunno. Social network seems to imply a specific product/UX, while social graph seems more broad
Eg a big part of https://indiemap.org/ was mapping out the social graph that emerged from peer to peer indieweb interactions, but I don't think anyone would call IndieWeb a social network
semantics though, 🤷‍♂️
Indie Map is a public IndieWeb social graph and dataset. 2300 sites, 5.7M pages, 380GB HTML with microformats2. Social graph API and interac...
the terms have definitely blurred
snarfed, certainly if you're crawling a web of sites, "graph" is an accurate term
the problem (exaggeration) is when people talk about my/your "social graph" or worse, "the" social graph (asserting there is only one)
ehmry, gRegor, jacky and Guest6 joined the channel
I think Brad Fitzpatrick was talking about a social graph first
angelo and jacky joined the channel
it looks like he even says that in reference on page 3 of https://bradfitz.com/social-graph-problem/social-graph.pdf (linked from that)
but gonna move this to #indieweb-dev
[timothy_chambe], jacky, gRegor, [Zeina] and ehmry joined the channel