#microformats 2022-11-16

2022-11-16 UTC
gRegor joined the channel
I've heard more about ads.txt and sellers.json the last year or so, with some or these people/orgs trying to get companies to stop advertising on far-right media
Yeah, I've heard about it in the context of defunding mis-information sites
ur5us joined the channel
[iambismark], ur5us, sknebel, jeremy, jeremycherfas, barnaby and cambridgeport901 joined the channel
↩️ Onward on the UI part of my thread. 3 main aspects: Inline blocks and microformats. Panels and multi-views. Infinite Canvas
[manton] and [jeremycherfas] joined the channel
gRegor, gRegorLove_, [chrisaldrich], tommorris, ur5us and [aaronpk] joined the channel