#microformats 2022-12-01

2022-12-01 UTC
edited /svg (-15) "Changes simple example to use implied name property of h-card"
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edited /svg (+222) "Adds parsed json resulting from simple example"
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[aciccarello], [jacky]1, [chrisaldrich]1 and Seirdy joined the channel
btrem++ thank you!!!
btrem has 4 karma over the last year
For svgshare.com I parse with html5lib and remove all script tags (I also only use img on the site, except for the upload dialogue, so anyone who uploads a script exploit only hacks themselves)
edited /svg (+1656) "/* Example */ Adds second example of svg with h-card markup"
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gRegor, gRegorLove_, [ender]1, [snarfed]2, [manton]1, [tantek]1, IWSlackGateway1, [KevinMarks]1, [schmarty]1, strugee-, Zegnet, emery, btrem, angelo and porquilho joined the channel
tiim, IWDiscordRelay, mouse[d], [fluffy], gRegorLove_ and [jamietanna] joined the channel
edited /svg (-65) "/* Examples */ Removes unneeded rect element"
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[eddie], gRegorLove_, gRegor and [jacky] joined the channel
I am really curious about this re: SVGs b/c I've been learning more about them and would like to move to use them as much as I can on my site
it looks like SVGTiny would take out scripting as an option! https://www.w3.org/TR/SVGTiny/#sec-scripting
but could it be re-enabled via embedded metadata? like https://www.w3.org/TR/SVGTiny/#sec-metadata and in the following header?
also would that mean that parsers that support embedded SVGs _should_ parse it under SVGTiny? I know there's no recommendation on sanitizing HTML in the mf spec
btrem joined the channel
jacky, that's a very good suggestion if I understand you correctly, to make that explicit in the mf2 parsing spec ("[mf2] parsers that support embedded SVGs _should_ parse it under SVGTiny") — can you file an issue for that? https://github.com/microformats/microformats2-parsing/issues/
Are there rules for parsing html that restrict elements to reduce security vulnerabilities?
[aaronpk] you can put all sorts of interesting things in an SVG, things that I would be worried about republishing in a reader
Is this something specified by mf2 parsing rules? Or something that consumers do to protect themselves?
something that consumers do, long standing practice even before mf2 "html sanitization"
Then does it make sense to specify that svg be parsed in a special way, with SVGTiny?
ISTM that it is up to consumers to take precautions. So maybe parsing rules should provide a general warning about republishing e.g. `h-entry`, with suggestions on how to reduce the dangers.
[hollie] and ur5us joined the channel
the idea is that parsing with/for SVGTiny is at least *a* defined method for SVG sanitization, whereas HTML sanitization is still very much custom design/code.
[jacky] have you filed an issue yet?
Whoa. I just discovered that Firefox hides images with class "u-logo". Might be an ad-block thing. On first glance, it seems worrying.
Wait. Maybe not. I might have jumped the gun. :/ Sorry.
btrem: not yet, /life_happens (but not in a bad way)
mainly work (union work)
re: my Firefox comment: the image was disappearing in a specific set of markup and css. Probably not a bug, since I saw the same effect in Firefox and Chromium. In any case, it was completely unrelated to `u-logo`.
[Murray] joined the channel