Loqi[preview] [microformats] h-event: This repository is for tracking and resolving issues related to the h-event specification http://microformats.org/wiki/h-event
Loqi[preview] [gRegorLove] I'll take a crack at this:
**u-photo:** when the primary content of the entry is a still image or set of still images, add `u-photo` to the image element(s).
* if the entry has a `name` property, that should be used as the caption for the image(...
Loqi[preview] [btrem] It seems to me that `u-photo` is inconsistently defined. For `h-recipe`, it is merely "an accompanying image," whereas for `h-entry` it is "one or more photos that is/are considered the primary content of the entry...."
I suppose the thinking is t...
angelo, [tw2113_Slack_], ur5us, tiim, mcint and gRegor joined the channel; btrem left the channel
Loqi[preview] [gRegorLove] Re-reading this, I'm not sure I'm clear on the difference between "caption" and "description", so we should probably clarify that. The text "the presence of a u-photo means the name of the entry should be interpreted as a caption on the photo, and th...