#btremgRegor: no, my PR is for the explainer website, in microformats/microformats.io. The Python PR is by someone else, in microformats/python-parser-website.
#[tantek][KevinMarks] ^ can you take a look at this PR
#gRegorOh, haven't had a chance to look at that one
ur5us joined the channel
#btremOk, no worries. Given my recent trouble figuring out git rebase, I'm trying a different approach, of waiting for a merge before continuing work.
#btremObviously, I need to get a better grip in git, so that I don't need to wait. Or maybe go about this in some other fashion.
#IWDiscordRelay<capjamesg#4492> What is the issue?
#[KevinMarks]the microformats.io one or the python parser one?
#gRegorbtrem was asking me about an HTML update for the main microformats.io site. Separately, capjamesg has an open PR for the python parser site which needs approval/merging
#gRegorAh, looks like convo is in #indieweb-dev now