#microformats 2023-02-23

2023-02-23 UTC
I do think we need to re-evaluate the consuming code use-cases for h-review
And explicitly note the spam / bad actor problems we saw with Google Search being gamed
btrem, [snarfed], gRegor, IWSlackGateway and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
Guest6, [TMichelleMoore] and [snarfed] joined the channel
<i​sellsoap#7476> Is there a way to markup the author of a book within h-product?
[dave], [aciccarello], btrem, [tantek], [schmarty], [benji], sebbu2, [manton], gRegor, ur5us and btrem1 joined the channel
Welcome, isellsoap! o/
I have less experience with h-product. I think we usually see books marked up with https://microformats.org/wiki/h-cite, so perhaps that could be nested in the h-product
[preview] [Tantek Çelik] Test #IndieWeb : Parvenir à « POSSEr » un article vers Twitter
However the usual question we consider is: what is the consuming use-case? If there isn't one or it's hypothetical at this point, you may not need to add it.
jeremycherfas joined the channel
The p-author h-card model from h-entry would be a reasonable fit for a book author
In an h-product, or h-cite?
I've used p-author h-card in h-cite
ben_thatmustbeme and btrem joined the channel