#microformats 2023-02-24

2023-02-24 UTC
Skyther[d], IWDiscordRelay, btrem, gRegor, IWSlackGateway, [jeremycherfas], [aciccarello], Guest6_ and [dave] joined the channel
Good morning all. Can someone with admin on the microformats wiki please assist me with creating an account?
[snarfed], [aciccarello], [tantek], btrem, [schmarty], gRegor, [KevinMarks], [benatwork] and [pfefferle] joined the channel
Yeah, I'll DM you on Slack
edited /Special:Log/newusers () "created new account User:Davmillar: At Dave's request"
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edited /browsers (-5) "Extension is gone"
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yeah, working to update that page now
Also heads up if you add links you might run into that captcha issue again, I don't remember if that's still the case.
I think I still have a local copy of a couple and might be able to find a git repo of a couple and was contemplating updating it to the new standards and resubmitting
ah ok
I think I added some wrapped with <nowiki> to get around it in the past
edited /chrome-extensions (+402) "Updated defunct extensions and added one living one."
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I recently fixed an extension I use for work and discovered it wasn't too terrible and made one to manage my tab hoard, so I'll likely try and see if I can fix up some of the old ones from that page when I get a minute or ten
amazing. Thanks [dave]++
[dave] has 1 karma in this channel over the last year (4 in all channels)
"Mozilla are "brainstorming" developments for Firefox 3.0 and beyond, and have a page on microformat handling. See also Firefox 3 Requirements." -- this page doesn't sound at all out of date either...
oof, good catch