#microformats 2023-08-06

2023-08-06 UTC
I know I am on team no-x, along with a lot of other standards people
"Deprecating the "X-" Prefix and Similar Constructs in Application Protocols" - is the IETF take on it, with examples why
Loqi__ joined the channel
Yes yes we know about the IETF thing
angelo_, btrem, [Jo] and [jeremycherfas] joined the channel
Far be it from me to argue from actual meaning but kudos is not equivalent to like in prose use it may have been used in that fashion here, but ideally kudos is given to a person in recognition of something they have done.
eitilt joined the channel
That's a fair distinction jeremycherfas and also helps explain why Strava only has Kudos as a reaction option to physical activity posts because a physical activity is something a person has "done".
eitilt1, eitilt, btrem, IWSlackGateway, [tantek] and [jeremycherfas] joined the channel
Personally, I quite like gift, as a gift can be physical and emotional.
[jacky] joined the channel
or experiential
[schmarty] joined the channel
Tagging the recipient as a "u-gift" feels semantically meaningless to be. The proposal suggests that the h-entry itself is the gift, which suggests this would be for indicating "gift-for" or "gift-recipient".
At any rate, AO3 is listed as the inspiration, so examples of how people display and how they word things could be collected from there?
Exactly [schmarty], on all points
A u- prop should named very similar to a rel value
And we have some docs on that
If anyone wants to start a dedication-examples page with as you say, AO3 display & wording, that would be a good start
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
So u-gift-for or u-dedicated-to? Adding the prepositions so the label makes sense when the subject is a person?
gRegor joined the channel