#microformats 2023-10-27

2023-10-27 UTC
[tantek] and Staffan joined the channel
Who else is going to IWC NUR who would be interested in a mf2 parser issues triage session to go thru issues and figure out where things are blocked and how to unblock
And who would be interested in participating remotely? gRegor, Barnaby, aaronpk, [jacky] jkingweb.
And any other parser developers of course
I can try for a later afternoon session slot (this is tomorrow at day 1 of IWC NUR I’m taking about)
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
angelo the time might not work out but you may be interested ^
[tantek]: I am in for any remote participation any time
My schedule will be pretty full tomorrow, but I'll connect if I can.
[Jo], [schmarty] and [jacky] joined the channel
I can try connecting tomorrow, for sure
yes! I'll wholeheartedly cheerlead any mf2py work. https://github.com/microformats/mf2py/issues has a short, solid list of candidates. personally I'd vote for https://github.com/microformats/mf2py/issues/181 (not easy, I know) but I'd love to see any of them closed out
[snarfed] in the session I'm proposing, we'll likely prioritize mf2 parsing spec issues first, assuming parser-specific issues are downstream from there
If we somehow triage all those, I'll likely start with individual vocab issues, eg advancement of specific property proposals
ah sure! spec work would both be good too
I plan to start with https://github.com/microformats/microformats2-parsing/issues/12 which depends a bit on 4 & 8 and then go through the issues that seem like they have the most consensus first
Angelo, GWG, jkingweb, Jacky, snarfed, if you want to help or express your thoughts in advance, I'll likely be going through the issues from oldest to newest: https://github.com/microformats/microformats2-parsing/issues?q=is%3Aopen+is%3Aissue (and somehow GitHub issues sort links fail to update the URL on mobile 🤦‍♂️ )
Things you can do: thumbs up (down) an existing proposal (sometimes in a comment), or add a comment refining a proposal, or add a comment with a (counter-)proposal for resolving an issue
barnaby joined the channel
[tantek] I’d be up for sitting in on a mf2 parser issue session remotely
I’d be up for sitting in on a mf2 parser issues session remotely
was hoping to make it to the IWC in person but it didn’t work out unfortunately
ugh apologies for the double message, web IRC client is being weird apparently
Cool, good to know Barnaby
My preference would be to hold the session earlier in the day when we are all sharper here in person so we have more chance of doing more issues
Though I know that will make it harder on the US folks
[snarfed] and jeremy joined the channel
My sleep schedule is already out of whack this week, maybe staying up late/early for the session will help reset 😂😭
So, rsvp: maybe
gRegor: My sleep schedule is always out of whack
[sebsel] joined the channel