#microformats 2023-10-28

2023-10-28 UTC
[davidmead], Nifty1, egoexpress, Jan, Sophie, neceve, barnaby, jeremycherfas and [calumryan] joined the channel
thanks so much barnaby, very good points you made
ha ha happy that I can still contribute something despite barely having doing any parser development these days
your pushback that lang should apply to all property prefixes was very helpful
sebbu joined the channel
this was exactly the kind of thing that we can get and discover from a sync meeting that we don't get from GH issues
we just wrapped up the microformats2 parsing issues session at IndieWebCamp Nuremberg
notes to be uploaded soon to the IndieWeb wiki
we were able to get resolutions to issues 3, 4, 8, 12, and agreement on 7 that we believe we can process asynchronously
Exciting stuff!!
So when are we scheduling the next call to fix another 4–5 issues? :D
Looking forward to reading said notes.
We should have a regular one if we can.
barnaby, neceve and [tantek] joined the channel