#microformats 2024-02-07

2024-02-07 UTC
IWSlackGateway, [aaronpk], [snarfed], [0x3b0b], [tantek], berry and Guest6 joined the channel
so we're thinking about link previews. specifically, Bluesky lets you as a client choose whether/which link in your post to show a preview card for, and some amount of control over that preview. do we have a way in mf2 to indicate, for a given post, show a preview of _this_ link, and ideally here's what goes in that preview?
[preview] [JoelOtter] Possibly not the place for this(?) but we also need to think about link cards on Bluesky as those aren't implicitly created like they are on e.g. Mastodon. Should it be the first or last link in a post, by default? My gut would be last based on how I...
https://indieweb.org/link-preview is useful but mostly about how to generate previews for a specific link, not how to indicate _which_ link within a post should be previewed and how
how - h-cite? which one... hm
[snarfed] the "which link" practice is pretty varied. Mastodon: first, Twitter: last, Slack: all
some of that is buried in the link-preview Silo Examples but I'll pull it out into a separate section
[tantek], [aaronpk], IWSlackGateway and [snarfed] joined the channel
we do have u-featured for images so would that be sufficient to call-out a specific link?
yeah that seems likely
good thing is that it works for multiples too, so you can emulate Slack behavior as well if you like
lazcorp, [Joe_Crawford], [KevinMarks], gRegor, btrem and [aciccarello] joined the channel
Discord does all previews as well
gRegor interesting, do you know what Discord does if you put multiple links in your post? Maybe add a "Discord" section in https://indieweb.org/link-preview#Silo_Examples ?
It does them all, like Slack, is what I meant
ah, I totally misread that as it does them well 😂
I'll look for an example to screenshot
[The_Frederatio], [Jo], [capjamesg], lazcorp and [timothy_chambe] joined the channel