#microformats 2024-02-08

2024-02-08 UTC
angelo_, [tw2113], plantroon, Guest4898, capjamesg, greenfork, ancarda, GWG, ramsey, chimo, Saphire, voxpelli, phae, The_Decryptor, omz13, JSharp, Kaja, saptaks, sknebel, [capjamesg], [The_Frederatio], [timothy_chambe], [Jo], [KevinMarks], jeremycherfas, [0x3b0b], [aciccarello], [Joe_Crawford], IWSlackGateway, sebbu, aaronpk, chee, srijan, sivoais, barnaby, strugee-, m5zs7k, yyolk, Guest1350, Zegnat, ehmry_, milkii, trwnh, lazcorp, gRegor, Guest6, handcode, dominik1, [Murray], ben_thatmustbeme and [snarfed] joined the channel
^ thought a bit more about this u-featured proposal. I like it, but I'm wondering how we distinguish featured links from featured photos in parsed mf2. would we maybe first remove any links in u-featured that are also in u-photo?
[tantek] joined the channel
They have different consuming use cases so it's not clear you have to do any removing in general
One is for showing an image as part of the link preview of that thing, the other is for appending and embedded link preview of one of the links inside
In each consuming use case the consuming code can be picky about what kind of u-featured resource it's looking for
right, I'm asking _how_ consuming code should be picky, since u-featured on both <a> and <img> end up as flat string URLs in the featured property
maybe. more and more (not that you can depend on this), images have alt text in their structure
sure, nice occasional heuristic, but not really more
and yeah, doing it by suffix is fine for auto-embedding/linking but perhaps not for this?
🤷 also only heuristic, but probably at least a more dependable one
I wonder how often people put both u-photo and u-featured on featured images, vs just u-featured
let's take that to #indieweb-dev because I think that's a use-case discussion
eitilt, Mandaris, gRegor, [Joe_Crawford], [KevinMarks], jacky, [Jo], [Al_Abut] and [aciccarello] joined the channel