#microformats 2024-02-11

2024-02-11 UTC
[Al_Abut], angelo_, tech1, [KevinMarks], [campegg], [Murray], plantroon, [m], [catgirlinspace] and [snarfed] joined the channel
do we have guidance on whether/how much to use u-url over fetched url?
eg I occasionally hit cases where u-url is flat out wrong
theoretically the tradeoff is that sometimes it correctly points to a different URL that should be considered canonical?
I'd love to compare, but I don't have a good sense for how often that happens
[snarfed] consider that clients of Bridgy backfeed depend on the opposite behavior, to consider the parsed u-url (which points to the original) over the source permalink u-url (of the synthetic h-entry on http://brid.gy)
in the example in the issue, better to return an error quickly from Bridgy rather than try to do any intelligent "cleanup"
[tantek] joined the channel