#microformats 2024-02-12

2024-02-12 UTC
[Joe_Crawford], gRegor, angelo, eitilt, [aciccarello], [jeremycherfas], [Al_Abut], [Jo], yolk, milkii, strugee_ and sivoais joined the channel
hah yes, good point re Bridgy backfeed
I'm with you on returning an error in this case, but I don't know how to catch it
or do you mean, don't allow different u-url at all, require that it's the same as the fetched URL?
in which case I could also just ignore it
right, this to me is sounds like a suggestion to improve indiewebifyme's h-entry validator to catch this error in particular and warn the publisher with a very specific error message
re: "I don't know how to catch it" — at least for indiewebifyme, look for a u-url in the h-entry that is a prefix of the actual (submitted) URL, that should not be possible
huh, no?
I don't entirely follow, but no matter
from your issue: "https://www.oh.mg/2024/02/farscape-and-capitalism/ both have incorrect u-url of https://www.oh.mg/2024/02/" (note that the latter URL is a string prefix of the former URL)
right, I just don't get why a prefix specifically means it's wrong
eg I think the u-url for https://snarfed.org/page/2 is correctly https://snarfed.org/
it's more like lint wrong
that's not an h-entry though
that's an h-feed right?
maybe I'm just not familiar with all the detailed mf2 semantics
if it's a lint heuristic, then sure!
well we haven't defined pagination for h-feed so your use-case makes sense
[KevinMarks], gRegor, adfreeaichat, eitilt, [Paul_Robert_Ll] and [campegg] joined the channel