#microformats 2024-06-11

2024-06-11 UTC
[fluffy], {{lifeofpablo}}, barnaby, [snarfed], eitilt, to2ds, barnabywalters, Loqi, [KevinMarks], Guest6 and robalex joined the channel
Question about rel-me and Mastodon link verification. I noticed hachyderm was having verified accounts link to this page, which has a rel=me for each approved profile.
I think identity consolidation would cause each of the mastodon profiles to be treated as having a common identity, but these are clearly different corporations. Am I understanding rel-me identity consolidation correctly?
(I've been writing a rel-me crawler and found a bunch of mastodon accounts grouped because of this page)
huh, odd. looks like that page on the web is https://community.hachyderm.io/approved/
you're right, that seems like wrong usage. rel=me means "this is me," not "this is someone else that I've 'approved' somehow"
aren't they using that page to get the mastodon checkmark?
Unfortunate overloading I guess?
barnaby joined the channel
They should give them each their own profile page. There were other mastodon verification services that did that (eg for journalists)
barnaby joined the channel
Thought we had an FAQ on that, as in, don't do that
or rather, if you do that, then you'll all claim to be the same person, which is probably not what you or they want
robalex joined the channel
[mattl] and [jacky] joined the channel
robalex++ thank you for the heads-up and welcome!
robalex has 1 karma over the last year
gRegor and [Al_Abut] joined the channel
[tantek] (from #indieweb-dev) sure! when I enter https://snarfed.org/ into the form on https://h2vx.com/vcf/ and click Download, the POST to /vcf/get-contact.php 500s
got it. Can't help but wonder if something broke with the host auto-upgrade to PHP 8
confirmed. can you file an issue so I don't forget? it may take me a while to get to 😕 https://github.com/microformats/h2vx.com/issues
also if there's anything obvious in the source that would break in PHP8, I'm open to suggestions
[preview] [snarfed] #8 VCF converter crashes on some input sites
Nothing jumps out in the source to me, though I have some recollection of needing to tweak CASSIS for PHP8 in another project, maybe it was the this-week newsletter code. Does that ring a bell, aaronpk?
So maybe the cassis on h2vx needs to be updated
common.php includes cassis.js
I see a fair number of presumptions of http vs https that might be tripping points
interesting. I supposed the nice thing about being stuck in 500 land is live fix attempts are unlikely to make it worse
get-contact.php is checking for http or https, though only in lowercase. Wouldn't cause a 500, though.
Is the `tidy` class available to php?
Good q, if that was a mod in the previous PHP version might not have carried over
I think I had to ask for the tidy extension to be installed previously
wow ok it has been a while since I touched this code
made it work. making a PR
wow wat
and I had just confirmed that tidy *is* installed
PHP Version 8.1.27
yeah, my local install of 8 has it too. I had no idea tidy was hidden in amongst the php code.
and let me say times like these I'm so happy I can do `php -S` to run a webserver. It's still magic to me.
yup that makes sense [Joe_Crawford]. that cassis.php is I'm assuming the latest version from the CASSIS repo, whereas the old cassis.js in the site is from 2010!
Derp. No. I removed cassis.js from the php side. Just made a php file and did a require on it.
I have no illusions it's what you *want* to happen. But my brain is *make it do the thing* not _let's preserve the intent_
`include 'cassis.js';`
`ob_end_clean();` -- no longer does what it once did. maybe it should be `require` or `require_once` ? no idear
oh? did that change in a non-backward compatible way?
the ob_start and get clean is about buffering output
I'd want to see what your php error logs showed
https://www.php.net/manual/en/function.include.php `include()` ought to parse whatever is passed as php. But for some reason it didn't work.
yes the ob_start and ob_end_clean is about making sure bits of cassis.js don't end up in the PHP output by accident
hence the buffering / cleaning
looks like I don't even have a local copy to install on this current laptop, that's how long it's been since I've touched the site
[Joe_Crawford] when you say you "Just made a php file", is that not the cassis.php from https://github.com/tantek/cassis/blob/main/cassis.php ?
no I copied cassis.js into cassis.php
I also removed anything that was bare html that might output. Just plopped in a `<?php`
Nothing should have changed about output buffering in PHP8 afaik
_`/* if you see this in the browser, you need to wrap your include of cassis.js with calls to ob_start and ob_end_clean, e.g. use the following in your PHP: ob_start(); include 'cassis.js'; ob_end_clean(); <?php`_
It amazes me that that could work
I'd rather use the cassis.php in the repo instead of one that's one-time hand constructed
"amazes me that that could work" <- why? it's literally what my site's been doing with its inclusion of cassis in the server-side PHP code
I thought the cassis.php was compiled from the .js, didn't aaronpk add that at some point?
gRegor yes that's my point
Because I don't think like you Tantek. 🙂 To me, a file ought to be either a JS file or a PHP file or I get dizzy.
that's the version checked into GH that I linked to
But I'm glad it worked! 🙂
[Joe_Crawford] I'm lazy and I like simpler things, like fewer files
lesscode has 1 karma over the last year
I appreciate the linguistic novelty.
more than novelty, it's helped me write less code
basically, any "business logic" or computation, string manipulation, form validation etc. can be done that way
```function string($n) {
if (js()) {
if (typeof($n)=="number")
return Number($n).toString();
else if (typeof($n)=="undefined")
return "";
else return $n.toString();
else { return "" . $n; }
Let's add Perl support while we're in there.
yeah, I prefer the more succinct PHP functions as opposed to the wordier camelCase JS ugly names
Perl's syntax is too incompatible
Schrödinger's code :)
[tantek] Added a commit to my PR to pull from Cassis v0.1
cut and paste, that is
I *do* like the idea of creating, say, an Interface that 2 files in different languages ought to adhere to. I think a foo.js and a foo.php (and a foo.pl!) that all referenced a common file that defined what public functions classes and methods ought to exist in there might be neat. Heck, might already exist.