#microformats 2024-06-12

2024-06-12 UTC
Tantek had php, js, c and java code in one file iirc
Quite literal code-switching.
Oh, Ruby not c
if ("00"==false) {/*javascript*/}
else if ("0"==false) {/*php*/}
else if (0==false) {/*c*/}
else {/*ruby*/}```
Ruby and C
[Joe_Crawford] you gave me the idea that upgrading the cassis.js purely in place may solve the problem. so now I'm getting to a "no tidy" error which is curious because the PHPInfo says tidy is installed
classloader may behave different the way you load the code
some interesting debugging ideas here https://stackoverflow.com/questions/21435379/php-tidy-class-not-found-error
yeah a lot of that was helpful in the PHP5 days. less so since PHP7
```<?php echo extension_loaded('tidy') ? "LOADED" : "NOT LOADED";```
that do anything interesting - in the file in question - and in a new file?
worth a shot
tidy not loaded
and in a new `.php` file?
I filed a support ticket asking them to enable the PHP tidy extension, noting that both class_exists('tidy') and extension_loaded('tidy') return false currently.
I expect that should be enough for them to either do some config option thing I am missing, or otherwise dive into why are those returning false when the phpinfo claims tidy is enabled
at least it's not giving 500 any more so that part is fixed
in some envs you might be able to add to .htaccess and/or .user.ini and have an effect, too.
these are the aspects of backend web dev that make web dev frustrating tbh. all sorts of custom (implementation-specific, language-specific) configuration things
I hope you get clarity from support. :crossed_fingers:
yes, same. also why I'm ok with shared hosting where the host manages a bunch of stuff (and thus can be asked to provide support for it) rather than purely running my own machine
eitilt, thepaperpilot, [jeremycherfas], [qubyte], chimo, [schmarty], barnaby, srijan, sebbu, thepaperpilot_, gRegor, JSharp, phae, [marksuth] and gRegorLove_ joined the channel