#microformats 2024-06-16

2024-06-16 UTC
ooh my hosting company got back to me about tidy on h2vx!
woohoo! that (plus me updating h2vx to my latest cassis.js from my personal site) did the trick!
[snarfed] please verify https://h2vx.com/vcf/https://snarfed.org/ works for you 🙂
(I know I should reply in GH, will do that shortly. chat is faster for me)
39 hours until remind tantek to update the copy of cassis.js in https://github.com/microformats/h2vx.com/ (to be the same as what's live on the server)
I added a countdown scheduled for 2024-06-17 3:25pm UTC (#7111)
[Joe_Crawford]++ for identifying the critical flaw that was causing the 500 error (out of date cassis.js failing in PHP8, which he fixed by updating to cassis.js top of tree)
[Joe_Crawford] has 1 karma in this channel over the last year (58 in all channels)
[Joe_Crawford] joined the channel
glad it was a straightforward fix!
yes it was good to not have to touch any other code. I get pretty conservative with long-running code like that, minimizing lines of code to touch as much as possible, even just for "clean up". Even a 0.1% chance of introducing an accidental regression is too high
for those curious, the webhost fix was to add a line to the PHPRC file which is apparently unique/new for every PHP upgrade :exploding_head:
the line:
"extension = tidy.so"
without the quotes
I feel I should document this somewhere but not sure where
lol apparently I almost answered this in http://indieweb.org/tidy -> http://indieweb.org/phprc
lol 🤦‍♂️ apparently I already documented this in troubleshooting here too: https://indieweb.org/H2VX#no_tidy
smart past me, not smart enough present me to remember to check the obvious place for troubleshooting
gRegor, graysonarts[d], jeremycherfas, carbo, barnaby and gRegorLove_ joined the channel
[tantek] thanks! confirmed, http://snarfed.org doesn't crash now
not crash is good! returning valid results would be better 🙂
hah yes. the output itself isn't great, NAME is a bad mishmash of text, probably due to display: none, and a bunch of duplicates and near duplicates
but not crashing is progress!
oh interesting! is it getting the microformats wrong? or is this is mismatch of presentation and markup? i.e. how does it compare to https://indiewebify.me/validate-h-card/ ?
or is that not the same test?
hmm, maybe we need an https://indiewebify.me/validate-h-cards plural also
there's also the longstanding somewhere-in-my-text-to-do-files task to update H2VX to process mf2 h-card and h-event
[Jo] joined the channel
(btw the dupes and near-dupes are the top level cards themselves, not text in NAME)
huh, where is http://h2vx.com/atom linked from or discoverable? not seeing it on https://h2vx.com/
it's only an idea, not implemented yet
i.e. redirect to your implementation rather than writing one myself
for hAtom / h-entry
ah. sure!
ptramo[d], gRegorLove__, barnaby and trwnh joined the channel