#microformats 2024-06-17

2024-06-17 UTC
[Scout], ancarda, greenfork, capjamesg, [Murray], [schmarty] and [jeremycherfas] joined the channel
remind tantek to update the copy of cassis.js in https://github.com/microformats/h2vx.com/ (to be the same as what's live on the server)
Countdown set by [tantek] on 2024-06-16 at 12:25am UTC
[Joe_Crawford] and gRegor joined the channel
barnaby, jeremycherfas and ApisNecros joined the channel
If I have a question about why a part of microformat specification is the way it is, would this channel, or the discussion page of the wiki be preferred?
inb4 asking to ask
Definitely this channel, ask away :)
We tend not to use the wiki talk pages much these days, easy to miss.
Okay, thank you.
I was looking over the specification for the h-recipe format, and I was curious why the e-instructions property is a body of text, instead of list like p-ingredient is. This caught my eye because, while looking at the php-mf2 output of my recipe, my nice list of steps becomes one log, unbroken paragraph. I thought it was a mistake on my part, but
after looking at the parsed output of the Examples In The Wild example, this seems consistent.
After looking at the original hRecipe, my guess is backwards compatibility.
Yeah, most likely backwards compatibility. It also gives some more flexibility, so publishers could either use lists or paragraphs in the instructions.
I'm not sure there's many consumers of the format. We try to look for those consuming use-cases before making changes to the specs, though nice thing with mf2 is you can always experiment
Have not used this myself, but Parika can apparently import hRecipe: https://indieweb.org/Paprika
re: "I'm not sure there's many consumers of the format." That's fair. I was just thinking, "Hm, maybe I'll have to change how my instructions section is formatted," but then I realized that I don't even have a particular reason to care, as I can't even imagine anyone parsing my recipes this way.
Like, I implement it 'cause I think it's fun, not because I know it's actually getting parsed
Yeah, definitely. If you prefer a list you can use <ul> or <ol> inside the e-instructions.
I understand that. There's definitely things I do for kicks. It's cool seeing it parsed!
Since the e- prefix tells it to parse it as HTML, hypothetically, a consumer should render it just like that, after any sanitizing. The parser also returns a plain text value for it the consumer can use.
So even the plaintext could be pretty workable, if it has newlines in it and the consumer preserves those in the display
Some more examples and brainstorming (not strictly about mf2) on https://indieweb.org/recipe
gRegor++ agreed on all points
gRegor has 7 karma in this channel over the last year (132 in all channels)
Ah, okay, I wasn't aware that e- entries are intended to have their sanitized html rendered as is. In that case, I can agree that no change is particularly needed.
to2ds joined the channel