#microformats 2024-09-12

2024-09-12 UTC
to2ds, btrem, coffeelauer, [Jo], barnaby, sebbu, sebbu2, sivoais_, IWSlackGateway, [mattl], [sebbu], [schmarty], [Joe_Crawford], gRegor, Dryusdan, The_Decryptor, [qubyte], [snarfed], [KevinMarks] and [tantek] joined the channel
edited /Main_Page (+177) "add see blog / feed at the top since domain home page redirects here now, float TOC to right"
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snoreboar joined the channel
created /blog-redesign (+259) "stiub"
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edited /blog-redesign (+174) "/* Options */"
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edited /blog-redesign (+356) "cluster and copy edit Goals, add preserve existing blog styling and presentation, add Non-goals"
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Hey if anyone here is interested in helping with the blog redesign project please see ^
we had a bit of a problem with the http://microformats.org home page recently and a bunch of us active admins have come to the conclusion that we need to move off of WordPress due to its admintax being too high for a very lightly volunteer run site
feel free to offer opinions / feedback / options here in chat and a bunch of us can edit / garden the wiki accordingly as well
I'd love to get you off WordPress using the 11ty stuff I'm doing
adding new posts would just be adding them to 11ty in future
just ran it and have a bare-bones static site version of http://microformats.org -- http://mattl.b-cdn.net/microformats.tgz
btw heads-up admins sknebel, zegnat, and gRegor re: /blog-redesign (see link in upscroll)
edited /blog-redesign (+219) "types of pages, add index, and example URLs for each type"
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Is 11ty a web UI to edit posts, or something like commits in git make it rebuild?
And does the current server run Node.js?
there is only php on the server at the moment and i would prefer to keep it that way
Wonder about making the whole site MediaWiki like indieweb
oh like port all the blog posts into mediawiki?
i guess that's an option, add it to the wiki so we can discuss tradeoffs?
edited /blog-redesign (+3) "/* Types of pages */"
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fyi there are 99 blog posts, I added that to the page ^^